Thursday, February 18, 2010

The South Carolina Lolgislature...

..wants terrorists, rebels, evil organizations, and "every corporation, society, association, camp, group, bund, political party, assembly, body or organization, composed of two or more persons, which directly or indirectly advocates, advises, teaches or practices the duty, necessity or propriety of controlling, conducting, seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States, of this State or of any political subdivision thereof by force or violence or other unlawful means" to "register with the Secretary of State on forms prescribed by him within thirty days after coming into existence in this State."

That's right. South Carolina wants villains to register. Mind you, you're not being outlawed...just made to register.

Oh, it isn't limited to terrorists, the Illuminati, and die-hard Confederacy supporters either. The new law includes very broad provisions that apples to organizations "subject to foreign control", which includes everything from S.P.E.C.T.R.E. to the Manchurian Candidate.

Y'know, just in case the CIA wasn't keeping track.

The punishment for failing to register is a $25k fine and being jailed for ten years. Presumably in South Carolina. If this is not a comedic situation waiting to happen, I don't know what is.

I'm just waiting for the headlines when South Carolina's Secretary of State is taken out by H.A.R.M.'s Director of Executive Action.

Full text of the new law is here.